Aug 8, 2019


Traditional Uses Of Punarnava Plant Leaves

Ayurveda considers man as an integral part of Mother Nature. Therefore the laws of nature are very well applicable for him also. Ancient philosophy which ponders the “secret of life and beyond” gives prime importance for health. It has understood the need of longevity and effectiveness to attain the supreme goal. Punarnava helps maintain efficient kidney and urinary functions with its diuretic, laxative, stomachic, diaphoretic, anthelminthic antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action.

According to Ayurveda, Punarnava is bitter, cooling, astringent to bowels, useful in biliousness, blood impurities, leucorrhoea, anaemia, inflammations, heart diseases, asthma, alternatives etc.

Traditional Uses Of Punarnava Plant Leaves
Traditional Uses Of Punarnava Plant Leaves

The leaves are useful in dyspepsia, tumours, spleen enlargement and abdominal pains. According to Unani system of medicine, the leaves are appetizer, alexiteric, useful in ophthalmia, in joint pains. Seeds are tonic expectorant, carminative, useful in lumbago, scabies. The seeds are considered as promising blood purifier.
  • Punarnava has a diuretics, Antiinflammatory and carminative properties.
  • For anti-inflammatory effect, punarnava should use with sunthi.
  • Punarnava is also a good Rasayana so useful in Aamavata.
  • Punarnava Root is anticonvulsant, analgesic, expectorant, CNS depressant, laxative, diuretic, abortifacient.
  • Punarnava has been reported to increase serum protein level and re duce urinary protein extraction in clinical trials in patients suffering with nephrotic syndrome.
  • Punarnava is used for local application in the form of poultice or fermentation in oedema.
  • Punarnava leaf juice is used in the eyes for topical application.
  • Punarnava act as diuretic in dysuria.
  • Punarnava roots rubbed in honey are locally applied for cataract, chronic conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
  • Punarnava useful in reducing swelling and foul smelling in skin disorders.
  • Punarnava is useful in heart disease, anemia, and edema.
  • Punarnava leaves vegetable is consumed to reduce edema.

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