Aug 30, 2019


Siridhanya Kashayas By Dr.Khadar For Differently Abled Children

Siridhanya and Kashayas as Recommended by Dr.Khadar for Differently Abled Children. 

This info has been shared by Dr Khadar garu itself few months back and it works for autism, cerebral palsy etc.

Should give 2spoons of recommended oil

1st week - coconut oil,
2nd week-Til oil,
3rdweek- Saff flower oil.
4th week- Niger seed oil.

Weekly schedule of Siridhanya

2days - Foxtail millet      next 2days-Brown top mil
5th day - Kodo millet.
6th day - Little millet.
7th day - Barnyard millet
Repeat the same after a week.

Kashayas or Herbal Decoction: 

Shouldn't use any tea powders or green tea leaves for preparing these.
Should only use fresh leaves of prescribed plants.

First week:

Bilvapatra Kashayam.

Second week:

Garika Kashayam.

Third week:

Ganuga aku Kashayam.

Fourth week:

Arati Boda Kashayam
Repeat after 4weeks.
Siridhanya And Kashayas By Dr.Khadar For Differently Abled Children
Siridhanya And Kashayas By Dr.Khadar For Differently Abled Children

 How to prepare kashayam. 

Take 200ml water n boil for 2min and put a fist full of prescribed washed and fresh leaves.
 Boil for few minutes ,add two drops of thatibellam and drink warm or cool as u prefer.

Feed your child with one green leafy vegetable compulsorily.

Use more of Moringa leaves,Punarnava -Tellagalijeru, Methi leaves,Gongura.

The children should be compulsorily given one til laddu weekly once and coconut milk twice a week.
Added to these..
No milk in any form
No jaggery
No rice or wheat
No junk food or packaged food.

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