Nov 9, 2019


Milk and Milk Products adulterant Test at Home

Food is essential for sustenance of life. Adulteration of food deceive the consumer and can cause risk to their health. The purpose of this manual is to list out common methodologies available for food adulterants generally found in India.

The scope of this manual is meant for household, which can induce awareness among the consumer about food safety.

Milk and Milk Products Test

Test 1 : Detection of water in milk

Testing Method:
  • Put a drop of milk on a polished slanting surface.
  • Pure milk either stays or flows slowly leaving a white trail behind.
  • Milk adulterated with water will flow immediately without leaving a mark.
Pure milk
Milk and Milk Products adulterant Test at Home

Adulterated milk
Milk and Milk Products adulterant Test at Home
Adulterated milk

Test 2 : Detection of detergent in milk

Testing Method:
  • Take 5 to 10ml of sample with an equal amount of water.
  • Shake the contents thoroughly.
  • If milk is adulterated with detergent, it forms dense lather.
  • Pure milk will form very thin foam layer due to agitation.
Pure milk
Detection of detergent in milk

Adulterated milk
Detection of detergent in milk
Adulterated milk

Test 3 : Detection of starch in milk and milk products (khoya, chenna, paneer)

Testing Method:
  • Boil 2-3 ml of sample with 5ml of water.
  • Cool and add 2-3 drops of tincture of iodine.
  • Formation of blue colour indicates the presence of starch.(In the case of milk, addition of water and boiling is not required)
Pure milk
Detection of starch in milk and milk products

Adulterated milk
Detection of starch in milk and milk products
Adulterated milk

Test 4 : Detection of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and other starches in ghee/butter

Testing Method:
  • Take ½ teaspoon of ghee/butter in a transparent glass bowl.
  • Add 2-3 drops of tincture of iodine.
  • Formation of blue colour indicates the presence of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and other starches.
Detection of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and other starches in ghee


Detection of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and other starches in ghee

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